Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!
2:57 PM
Hello, 2017! Another year has begun. According to social media, it seemed as if many were disappointed and unhappy with 2016. I have to disagree, as the past year was my best yet. However, the BEST is yet to come. 

2017 is all about the grind: it will be the year that I land my first salary-based, "big girl" career, the year I take off with my blog, and the year that I begin making decisions, larger than what classes to take for next semester. So how do I plan for all of this? How do I keep track of collaborations, clients/sales, interviews, social life? Thanks to Organizing Your Oomph I have it all figured out. This planner truly makes my life so much easier to organize. There is no need to bounce between my phone, notes, calendar, etc. because I can keep track of my professional and personal life all in this planner! I am a person that needs to write everything down to remember it, and I have never been so fortunate to find a planner such as this one. For individuals who work in beauty, spa, wellness, social media blogging/influencing, or sales, this is so worth the investment! Maybe just maybe, you'll get lucky and win the one that I am giving away. Head to my Instagram or Facebook page for rules on how to win, winner will randomly be selected on Friday, January 6, 2017. Good luck!
This post is sponsored by Organizing your Oomph.